VIDEO Drapelul Ucrainei reapare în orașele din sud/Imagini cu grupuri de soldați ruși care se predau și coloane de blindate rusești distruse
Fortele ucrainene au recucerit duminica orasul Visokopilia din regiunea Herson, in contextul contraofensivei lansate de Kiev.
Yurii Sobolevski, prim-adjunct al șefului Consiliului regional Herson, a anunțat oficial că satul Vîsokopillea a fost eliberat.
Potrivit canalelor locale Telegram, Forțele Armate ale Ucrainei au arborat steagul ucrainean deasupra unui spital din localitate.
Satul era controlat de Rusia de mai bine de 5 luni.
Regiunea nordică a Hersonului nu este dens populată, iar Vîsokopillea este unul dintre cele mai mari sate din zonă.
The flag of Ukraine was raised above the hospital building in Vysokopillia by the heroes. #kherson will be free from the occupiers #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/1URgUH7Wx7
— Ukraine updates (@ukrdailyvideos) September 4, 2022
Reapar imagini cu coloane de blindate rusești distruse
The crumbling Russian column in the Southern direction. #kherson #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/jW5sjreYh4
— Ukraine updates (@ukrdailyvideos) September 4, 2022
Grup de prizonieri ruși
Cannon fodder from military unit 08801 tried to storm the positions of paratroopers of the 79th brigade.
— Ukraine updates (@ukrdailyvideos) September 4, 2022
The result of the assault -
More than half fled, leaving 200x and 300x comrades on the battlefield, and the second half voluntarily surrendered. #Ukraine️ pic.twitter.com/CkQNTQ8Zt5
Bonus, un elicopter rusesc doborât
Another russian helicopter turned to scrap metal. Here we see what's left of the invaders mi-28 that was shot down in Gulyaipol, #Zaporizhzhia region. @UAWeapons pic.twitter.com/KDSBpjempb
— Ukraine updates (@ukrdailyvideos) September 4, 2022
Another russian helicopter turned to scrap metal. Here we see what's left of the invaders mi-28 that was shot down in Gulyaipol, #Zaporizhzhia region. @UAWeapons pic.twitter.com/KDSBpjempb
— Ukraine updates (@ukrdailyvideos) September 4, 2022