ULTIMA ORĂ/Primul deces cauzat de noul virus în Statele Unite!
ULTIMA ORĂ/Primul deces cauzat de noul virus în Statele Unite! SUA anunță primul deces cauzat de coronavirus. Statele Unite a raportat și noi cazuri de infecție, totalul ajungând sâmbătă la 68.
1st death in the United States in Washington State [ source ] [ source ]
- 3 new cases in the United States: [ source ] [ source ] [ source ]
- 1 in Washington State: a 18-year-old student from Jackson High School in Mill Creek with no travel history to an outbreak area who on Feb. 24 had body aches, chills and a headache. After feeling better, he returned to school, before test results came out on Feb. 28. The school will be closed for a few days of deep disinfecting.
- 1 in Washington State: a woman in her 50s with confirmed travel to Daegu, South Korea.
- 1 in Oregon [ source ]