Imagini aproape explicite cu fetele din „balconul din Dubai”

Imagini aproape explicite cu fetele din „balconul din Dubai”

Cercetările au scos la iveală că fetele sunt modele din Moldova, Rusia, Belarus şi Ucraina - iar întreaga acţiune a fost organizată de rusul în vârstă de 33 de ani Alexey Kontsov, care a filmat distracţia fetelor goale puşcă - Kontsov declarând apoi la poliţie că a făcut greşeala fatală de a distribui filmarea. Rusul a apelat la ajutorul unor avocaţi. Majoritatea fetelor au între 19 şi 24 de ani, o parte dintre ele fiind identificate chiar pe Instagram: Dariya Khorunzhenko, Ekaterina Kaşenko, Sofia Tkachuk, Anastasia Kaşuba, Tatyana Borisenko sunt doar câteva dintre fetele identificate din grup, care au postat pe conturile lor de socializare imagini sexy din vacanţa lor în Dubai. Există speculaţia că filmările şi pozele ar fi fost făcute pentru un site pornografic israelian, relatează Daily Mail .

In this picture, at least 19 women can be seen preparing for the naked shoot, which was reportedly for an Israeli porn site
The second image shows nine nude women standing on a balcony in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, one clothed woman is pictured sitting inside on a sofa
Some of the girls who took part in the naked balcony photoshoot were pictured together enjoying their time in Dubai
Two of the models who took part in the naked balcony shoot posted pictures of themselves in Dubai, including a location stamp for a beach in the Emirati city
Diana shared pictures of their ride along Jumeirah Beach Residence, a sandy Dubai beach, with their Instagram followers
She showed off her skimpy bikini in the Instagram post of her riding a camel in Dubai, the video also shows her distinctive tattoos also seen at the balcony photoshoot
The mid-20s Ukrainian beauty had also tagged herself in a picture enjoying a drink on a balcony in Marina walk, Dubai Marina
Yana has a big tattoo of flowers on her left leg and had recently posted a picture of herself showing off the ink in a bikini in Dubai
Modelul ucrainean Yana are un tatuaj mare de flori pe piciorul stâng și a postat fotografii cu ea într-un balcon din Dubai
Yana was initially identified because she featured in an image, dubbed the 'Little Family' picture, where the girls all show their faces
Another Ukrainian model, Diana, was also identified from the balcony images because of two recognisable tattoos
The mid-20s Ukrainian sports a curved knife and a flower high on her right thigh, making her recognisable in the balcony pictures
Diana was also identified from the 'Little Family' picture where the girls all showed their faces, unliked in other images
Diana's large thigh tattoo make her easily recognisable from images taken on the Dubai marina balcony, she is believed to have been arrested along with several other women
Ukrainian model Ekaterina Kashenko was also identified from the 'Little Family' image and is known for being an eyebrow stylist back home
The Ukrainian beauty also sports several tattoos of leaves and a large crescent moon on her chest and neck
Modelul ucrainean Ekaterina Kashenko a fost, de asemenea, identificată din imaginea „Mică familie” și este cunoscută pentru mai multe tatuaje de frunze și o semilună mare pe piept și gât
Ukrainian Sophia Tkachuk was another of the models identified as taking part in the naked balcony photoshoot
The model was identified after she was tagged in several pictures on Instagram by fellow Ukrainian models Yana and Diana
Marianna Fedchuk, also in her early 20s, from Uzhgorod has also been named
She shared pictures of herself in Dubai on Instagram
Marianna Fedchuk (stânga și dreapta), de asemenea la vârsta de 20 de ani, din Uzhgorod a fost de asemenea identificată
Diana has a second recognisable tattoo - a rose on the inside of her right forearm - which made her easily recognisable in the balcony photos

The 15 models in the naked photoshoot (pictured) were part of a publicity stunt for an Israeli website
Violations of the public decency laws, including for nudity and other 'lewd behaviour', carry penalties of up to six months in prison and a 5,000 dirham (£983) fine
Dubai police confirmed those arrested over the 'indecent' video had been referred to the public prosecution


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