DOCUMENT Decizia integrală a Tribunalului de Arbitraj Sportiv în cazul Simona Halep

DOCUMENT Decizia integrală a Tribunalului de Arbitraj Sportiv în cazul Simona Halep

Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv (TAS) a redus marți pedeapsa Simonei Halep la 9 luni, în loc de 4 ani, potrivit unui comunicat oficial. Decizia TAS este una definitivă. Reducerea suspendării înseamnă că Simona Halep poate reveni imediat pe teren. Citește mai jos comunciarea oficială a TAS, în versiunea originală (engleză), pe siteul oficial :


Lausanne, 5 March 2024 – The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has issued the operative part of its decision in the appeal arbitration procedures CAS 2023/A/10025 Simona Halep v. International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) and CAS 2023/A/10227 International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) v. Simona Halep:

The appeal procedures before the CAS concerned two separate charges:
1. a charge which arose from a prohibited substance (Roxadustat) being detected in a urine sample collected from Simona Halep on 29 August 2022 during the US Open; and
2. a charge that Ms Halep’s Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), in particular a blood sample given by Ms Halep on 22 September 2022, established use of a prohibited substance and/or prohibited method.

In its decision dated 22 September 2023, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Independent Tribunal found Ms Halep guilty of both Anti-doping Rule Violations (ADRV) and imposed a four-year period of ineligibility on her.

In the appeal filed by Simona Halep at the CAS against the first instance Decision, Ms Halep requested that the sanction be reduced and be no longer than the period of the provisional suspension already served. In its separate appeal, the ITIA requested that the CAS sanction Ms Halep’s ADRVs together as one single violation based on the violation that carried the most severe sanction, and the imposition of a period of ineligibility of between four and six years.

The CAS appeal arbitration proceedings involved intensive pre-hearing processes and a three-day hearing which took place on 7-9 February 2024 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The CAS Panel heard from many lay and expert witnesses, most of whom were present in person at the hearing.

The CAS Panel has unanimously determined that the four-year period of ineligibility imposed by the ITF Independent Tribunal is to be reduced to a period of ineligibility of nine (9) months starting on 7 October 2022, which period expired on 6 July 2023. As that period expired before the appeal procedures were even lodged with the CAS, the CAS Panel has determined it appropriate to issue the operative part of the Arbitral Award as soon as practicable, together with a comprehensive media release.

The CAS Panel has also ordered the disqualification of all competitive results achieved by Ms. Halep from 29 August 2022 (the date of her positive sample) to 7 October 2022, including forfeiture of any medals, titles, ranking points and prize money. Therefore, the appeal filed by the ITIA is dismissed and the appeal filed by Simona Halep is partially upheld (her request to backdate the start of the suspension on 29 August 2022 is dismissed).

Roxadustat charge

According to Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (“TADP”), it is each player’s personal duty to ensure that no prohibited substance enters their body and players are responsible for any prohibited substances found to be present in their samples.

In this matter, a prohibited substance (i.e. Roxadustat) was found to be present in a sample collected from Ms. Halep on 29 August 2022 during the US Open. Ms. Halep did not contest liability in that she accepted that, by reasons of the presence of Roxadustat in her sample, she had committed anti-doping rule violations under Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the TADP. However, she objected to the intentional nature of the infraction and argued that the positive test was the result of contamination.

Having carefully considered all the evidence put before it, the CAS Panel determined that Ms. Halep had established, on the balance of probabilities, that the Roxadustat entered her body through the consumption of a contaminated supplement which she had used in the days shortly before 29 August 2022 and that the Roxadustat, as detected in her sample, came from that contaminated product. As a result, the CAS Panel determined that Ms. Halep had also established, on the balance of probabilities, that her anti-doping rule violations were not intentional.

Although the CAS Panel found that Ms. Halep did bear some level of fault or negligence for her violations, as she did not exercise sufficient care when using the Keto MCT supplement, it concluded that she bore no significant fault or negligence.

Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) charge

With respect to the charge concerning Ms. Halep’s ABP, the ITIA bore the onus of establishing (to the standard of comfortable satisfaction) that Ms. Halep had used a prohibited substance and/or prohibited method. It primarily relied on a blood sample given by Ms. Halep on 22 September 2022, the results of which it alleged demonstrated the anti-doping rule violation under Article 2.2 of the TADP.

Contrary to the reasoning of the first instance tribunal, the CAS Panel determined that it was appropriate in the circumstances to consider the results of a private blood sample given by Ms. Halep on 9 September 2022 in the context of a surgery which occurred shortly thereafter. Those results, and Ms. Halep’s public statements that she did not intend to compete for the remainder of the 2022 calendar year, impacted the plausibility of the doping scenarios relied upon by the ITF Independent Tribunal. Having regard to the evidence as a whole, the CAS Panel was not comfortably satisfied that an anti-doping rule violation under Article 2.2. of the TADP had occurred. It therefore dismissed that charge.


The CAS Panel has issued the following decision:

1. The appeal filed by Simona Halep on 28 September 2023 against the decision issued on 22 September 2023 by the ITF Independent Tribunal is admissible and is partially upheld.
2. The appeal filed by the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) on 14 December 2023 against the decision issued on 22 September 2023 by the ITF Independent Tribunal is admissible and is dismissed.
3. The decision issued on 22 September 2023 by the ITF Independent Tribunal is set aside.
4. Simona Halep is found to have committed Anti-Doping Rule Violations under Articles 2.1 (presence) and 2.2 (use) of the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme 2022 as a result of the presence of a Prohibited Substance (Roxadustat) in her urine sample collected In-Competition on 29 August 2022.
5. Simona Halep is sanctioned with a period of Ineligibility of nine (9) months, commencing on 7 October 2022.
6. Credit is given to Simona Halep for her provisional suspension served since 7 October 2022.
7. All results obtained by Simona Halep in competitions taking place in the period 29 August 2022 to 7 October 2022 are disqualified, with all resulting consequences, including forfeiture of any medals, titles, ranking points and prize money.
8. The award is pronounced without costs, except for the Court Office fees of CHF 1,000 (one thousand Swiss francs) paid by each of Simona Halep in respect of her appeal and the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) in respect of its appeal, which is retained by the CAS.
9. The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) is ordered to pay Simona Halep an amount of CHF 20,000 (twenty thousand Swiss francs) as a contribution towards her legal fees and other expenses incurred in connection with these arbitration proceedings.

The reasoned award will be notified to the parties in due course. It will be published by CAS unless the parties request confidentiality.

Informația momentului vine din tenis: suspendarea Simonei Halep a fost redusă de la 4 ani la doar 9 luni, informează TAS (Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv) pe siteul oficial .

TAS admite apelul depus de Simona Halep şi reduce perioada de ineligibilitate a acesteia de la patru ani la nouă luni. Comisia TAS a stabilit în unanimitate că perioada de ineligibilitate de patru ani impusă de ITF Independent Tribunal trebuie redusă la o perioadă de ineligibilitate de nouă (9) luni începând cu 7 octombrie 2022, perioadă care a expirat la 6 iulie 2023. Întrucât această perioadă a expirat înainte ca procedurile de apel să fie chiar depuse la TAS, Comisia TAS a considerat că este oportun să emită dispozitivul hotărârii arbitrale Hotărâre arbitrală cât mai curând posibil, împreună cu un comunicat de presă cuprinzător. De asemenea, Comisia TAS a dispus descalificarea tuturor rezultatelor competitive obţinute de dna Halep din 29 august 2022 (data prelevării probei sale pozitive) până la 7 octombrie 2022, inclusiv pierderea oricăror medalii, titluri, puncte de clasament şi premii în bani. Prin urmare, se respinge apelul declarat de ITIA şi apelul depus de Simona Halep este admis în parte (cererea sa de antedatare a începerii suspendării la 29 august 2022 este respinsă)”, a precizat TAS într-un comunicat postat pe site-ul oficial.

Simona Halep, la sediul TAS de la LausanneFoto: Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP / Profimedia

Simona Halep poate reveni în tenis cu efect imediat

Halep nu a mai jucat tenis de aproape un an și jumătate, ea fiind suspendată provizoriu în data de 21 octombrie 2022.

Conform deciziei TAS, Simona Halep poate reveni imediat pe terenul de tenis, iar primul turneu la care ar putea juca (cel puțin teoretic) este Miami Open, de categorie WTA 1000, din perioada 19-31 martie.

Pentru a putea însă să participe, Simona are nevoie de un wild card, pentru că ea a dispărut între timp din clasamentul WTA după atâtea luni de absență.

Conform deciziei de marți, suspendarea Simonei a expirat pe 6 iulie 2023, moment de la care Halep ar fi putut reveni teoretic în circuitul WTA.

Vorbim despre 10 luni în care Simona Halep nu a putut juca, iar fosta lideră WTA ar putea cere daune importante celor de la ITIA. Rămâne de văzut care va fi poziția Simonei.

Se actualizează.

De știut despre cazul de dopaj al Simonei Halep

  • Vestea că Simona Halep a fost suspendată provizoriu pentru dopaj a apărut vineri, 21 octombrie 2022.
  • Cazul Simonei a fost judecat de către Sport Resolutions, tribunal independent din Londra care gestionează dosarele de dopaj din sportul alb.
  • Halep a fost suspendată 4 ani pentru două încălcări separate ale Programului Antidoping din Tenis (TADP): prezenţa şi uzul substanţei roxadustat în mostra de urină colectată în urma unui test antidoping efectuat la US Open 2022 (1) și neregularităţile din paşaportul său biologic (2).
  • Simona și-a epuizat singura cale de atac: Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv de la Lausanne.
  • Halep a fost audiată la TAS în perioada 7-9 februarie 2024.
  • Curtea elvețiană a precizat că fosta lideră WTA a cerut ca decizia Agenției Internaționale pentru Integritatea Tenisului (ITIA) să fie anulată şi sancţiunea sa „să fie redusă”.
  • Pe 29 august 2022, Simona Halep avea să dispute ultimul meci oficial din circuitul mondial. La US Open, în runda inaugurală, sportiva noastră era învinsă surprinzător de Daria Snigur (locul 124 WTA la acel moment, venită din calificări).


1 Observația lui Liviu Avram despre legătura dintre Ciucă și Georgescu în contextul noilor dezvăluiri

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