Datele crizei coronavirus la nivel mondial la ora 20.00. Italia a anunțat închiderea școlilor și universităților
Datele crizei coronavirus la nivel mondial la ora 20.00. Italia a anunțat închiderea școlilor și universităților. Italia a anunțat oficial că va închide toate școlile și universitățile începând de joi până pe 15 martie pentru a putea face față epidemiei de coronavirus.
Bilanțul deceselor din cauza epidemiei de coronavirus în Italia a crescut cu 28 în ultimele 24 de ore la 107, a spus miercuri Agenția de Protecție Civilă. Bilanțul cazurilor de infectare cu coronavirus a crescut la 3.090.
Peste 250 de cazuri de infectare cu coronavirus au fost confirmate în Franța, iar patru persoane au murit. Autoritățile iau măsuri pentru limitarea răspândirii virusului, astfel că au fost închise câteva sute de școli și a fost adoptat un decret prin care statul poate să rechiziționeze stocurile de măști de protecție, până la 31 mai, scrie Le Monde.
Autoritățile franceze au anunțat miercuri 45 de noi cazuri de infectare cu coronavirus, astfel că numărul total ajunge la 257 de persoane, de la sfârșitul lunii ianuarie.
Le Monde scrie că Franța este, din păcate, unul dintre principalele focare ale coronavirusului în Europa, împreună cu Italia și Germania.
Sursa: worldometers.info/coronavirus
First 2 cases in Hungary: two Iranian students who are asymptomatic but have been transported to St. Ladislaus Hospital, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced. [ source ]
587 new cases and 28 new deaths in Italy. Total: 3,089 and 107 deaths [ source ] [ source ]
Among the 2,706 active cases, 1,344 (50%) are hospitalized, 295 of which (representing 11% of active cases) are in intensive care.
Among the 383 closed cases, 276 (72%) have recovered, 107 (28%) have died.
All schools and universities in Italy closed until March 15 in an effort to contain the spread of coronavirus. [ source ]- 13 new cases in the United States. L.A. County announces 6 new cases, declares state of emergency.
4 in New York State including:
1: an attorney in his 50s in critical condition at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The man has an underlying respiratory condition. The case is believed to be the city's first case of community spread [ source ]
1: a student at Yeshiva University [ source ]
9 in California:
6 in Los Angeles County [ source ]
2 in Orange County in Southern California: a man in his 60s and a woman in her 30s who had recently traveled to countries that have widespread reports of COVID-19, officials said. [ source ]
1 in Contra Costa County in Northern California [ source ] . - 59 new cases in Germany [ source ]
- 45 new cases in France [ source ]
- 45 new cases in Spain, bringing the total to 210 cases, of which 207 active and 3 closed (2 discharges and 1 death). [ source ]
- 34 new cases in the UK: 29 were infected abroad. [ source ]
- 23 new cases in Norway: many are related to outbreaks abroad, mainly in Italy. [ source ] [ source ]
- 12 new cases in Iceland:
6 new cases [ source ]
2 had come from Verona in northern Italy [ source ]
2 had traveled from Austria through Munich.
2: a male and a female in their 60s who also returned from Verona, Italy through Munich. "They have what can be called traditional flu symptoms, not very sick" [ source ] - 3 new cases in Oman: 1 Omani citizen, 2 Iranian citizens. [ source ]
- 3 new cases in Iraq [ source ] (1 previously reported death in Iraq has been retracted pending confirmation from Iraq's Health Ministry) [ source ]
- 4 new cases in Algeria [ source ]
- 2 new cases in Lebanon [ source ]
- 3 new cases in Ecuador: all relatives of a previously identified case. [ source ]
- 3 new cases in the Czech Republic: 2 are relatives of an infected case in Děčín, 1 is a woman from Prague. [ source ]
- 1 new death in Australia (NSW): a 95-year old woman. It’s the 2nd death in Australia. [ source ] and 11 new cases including:
- 2 in South Australia: a 40-year old woman who had visited Iran and a 24-year old woman. [ source ]
- 1 in Northern Territory: a 52-year-old tourist currently in isolation in Royal Darwin Hospital. [ source ]
- 1 in Queensland: a 26-year old man from Logan who had recently traveled to Iran. [ source ] - 2 new cases in Greece:
- a person who had traveled to Israel and Egypt. He is hospitalized in Patras. [ source ]
- the husband of the previously confirmed case. [ source ] - 2 new cases and 1 new recovery in Romania. The first of the new cases, asymptomatic, is the 16-years-old nephew of the 47-year-old man from Timisoara diagnosed with coronavirus yesterday. [ source ] [ source ]
1st case in the Faroe Islands: a man who had been at a conference in Paris and returned on Feb. 24. [ source ]
- 15 new cases in the Netherlands [ source ]
- 5 new cases in San Marino, bringing the total to 15, of which 3 (aged 81, 80, and 76 years old) are in critical condition [ source ]
- 3 new cases in Bahrain, bringing the total in the country to 52, including 1 recovered. [ source ]
- 2 new cases in Hong Kong: [ source ]
- a 43-year-old man, who is the “master” of a Buddhist worship hall in North Point, where 16 people were infected previously.
- a 57-year-old female domestic helper of two previously confirmed patients, who lived in southern Hong Kong Island. - 10 new cases in Belgium, 9 of which returned from a trip to northern Italy and are now isolated at home after developing an upper respiratory infection with a relatively mild flu-like condition. 1 patient, who had not traveled but is a contact of a previous case who had traveled to Venice, developed a more severe respiratory infection and was therefore admitted to the Saint-Pierre hospital in Brussels. [ source ]
The European Defense Agency (EDA) in Brussels has confirmed that one of its employees has tested positive after returning last week from a trip to Italy, where the official had a meeting with around 30 officials from other EU institutions. EDA has canceled all scheduled meetings at its premises until March 13. [ source ] 586 new cases, 15 new deaths, and 117 new recoveries in Iran [ source ]
1st case in Poland: a person who came from Germany and is now hospitalized in Zielona Góra (Lubusz Voivodeship) in good condition. All contacts have been placed into home quarantine. 584 tests have been performed in the country. [ source ]
- 1 new case in Portugal: a 44-year-old man who came from Italy and is hospitalized at the São João Hospital, in Porto in stable condition. [ source ]
- 10 new cases in Switzerland [ source ]
- 2 new cases in Belarus, briging the total to 6: 4 in Minsk and 2 in the Vitebsk Region. More than 5,000 tests have been carried out [ source ]
- 5 new cases in Sweden. in the Värmland region, the Västra Götaland region and the Skåne region. [ source ] The risk of an outbreak in Sweden is judged as "moderate." All cases in Sweden are linked to recent travel abroad ('import case') or contact with a confirmed import case. [ source ] Sweden's Public Health Agency expands its list of regions in Italy where recent travelers are advised to be vigilant about possible symptoms to include Aosta Valley, Liguria, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Tuscany. [ source ]
- 2 new cases in Scotland (UK) [ source ]
- 5 new cases in Austria [ source ]
- 38 new cases in Japan [ source ] [ source ] [ source ] [ source ] [ source ] [ source ]
- 14 new cases in Malaysia, all associated with a local cluster linked to case #26. So far, 21 out of the 50 cases have been linked to this cluster: 16 close contacts and 5 secondary contacts. [ source ]
- 3 new cases in Israel: one of the patients returned from Italy on Feb. 29 and all three have been quarantined.
- 21 new cases in India, including a group of 15 Italian tourists [ source ] [ source ]
- 119 new cases, 38 new deaths (37 in Hubei) and 2,652 new discharges occurred in China on March 3, as reported by the National Health Commission (NHC) of China. [ source ]
- 435 new cases and 2 deaths in South Korea, including a 86 years old woman who had tested positive on Feb. 26. [ source ] [ source ] [ source ] [ source ]
- 3 new cases in Canada (British Columbia) [ source ]