Date noi/Coronavirusul se extinde în Statele Unite, unde luni s-au raportat 5 decese/Franța devine al doilea focar al Europei, după Italia

Date noi/Coronavirusul se extinde în Statele Unite, unde luni s-au raportat 5 decese/Franța devine al doilea focar al Europei, după Italia

Date noi/Coronavirusul se extinde în Statele Unite, unde luni s-au raportat 5 decese/Franța devine al doilea focar al Europei, după Italia. Date de mai jos sunt oficiale și sunt valabile pentru luni, ora 22.00.


March 2 (GMT):
  •  21 new cases and 4 new deaths in the United States:
    9 cases and 4 deaths in Washington State. Deaths include: a man in his 70s, in Kirkland, King County, with underlying health conditions. [ source ] Cases include: a man in his 40s hospitalized in critical condition in Kirkland. [ source ]
    1 in Illinois
    : a woman in her 70s, wife of the third case. She is in good condition and quarantined at home. [ source ]
    1 in New Hampshire
    : an adult from Grafton County who had recently visited Italy [ source ] [ source ]
    former passenger of the Diamond Princess cruise ship
    1 in Rhode Island
    , a teenager contact of the previous case. An additional contact is being tested. "All three people went on the same trip to Italy. This is precisely why we are being so aggressive in identifying contacts, ensuring monitoring, and testing people who are symptomatic.[ source ]
    3 in California
     (Santa Clara County), including a couple who has recently traveled to Egypt. [ source ]
    2 in Oregon
    - 1 is an adult resident from Umatilla County hospitalized in Walla Walla, WA. [ source ]
    - 1 is a contact of the first case in Oregon, recovering at home. [ source ]
    2 new cases (first) in Florida

    1 case
     (first) iNew York [ source ]

Dr. Matt McCarthy, a staff physician at New York-Presbyterian:

“I’m here to tell you, right now, at one of the busiest hospitals in the country, I don’t have [a rapid diagnostic test] at my finger tips.” “I still have to make my case, plead to test people. This is not good. We know that there are 88 cases in the United States. There are going to be hundreds by middle of week. There’s going to be thousands by next week. And this is a testing issue.”

“In New York State, the person who tested positive is only the 32nd test we’ve done in this state,” he said. “That is a national scandal. [...] They’re testing 10,000 a day in some countries and we can’t get this off the ground,” McCarthy said. “I’m a practitioner on the firing line, and I don’t have the tools to properly care for patients today.” ( Video, CNBC )

  • 3 new cases in Canada (Ontario) [ source ]
  • 3 new cases in Iceland: 2 women, 1 man in their 60s who arrived in the country on Saturday with Icelandair's flight to Keflavik Airport from Verona, Italy. [ source ]
  •  335 new cases and 11 new deaths in Italy, for a total of 2,036 cases and 52 deaths to date. Among the 1,835 active cases, 908 (49%) are hospitalized, 166 of which (representing 9% of active cases) are in intensive care. Among the 201 closed cases, 149 (74%) have recovered, 52 (26%) have died. [ source ] [ source ] Lombardy region urges people over 65 years of age to stay home and not go out for 2-3 weeks. [ source ] New cases include:
    - Alessandro Mattinzoli, Councilor for Economic Development in Lombardy, has tested positive to the virus. All members of the council will undergo testing. [ source ]
    - a police officer in Rome who had been in contact with a friend from Lombardy. [ source ]
    - the first case in Sardinia, currently hospitalized in Cagliari. [ source ]
  •  61 new cases and 1 new death in France [ source ]
  • 1 new case in Sweden
  • 6 new cases in Norway: all 6 are linked to travel in outbreak areas. [ source ]
  •  1st case in Latvia
  •  1st case in Senegal
  •  1st case in Saudi Arabia: the person had come from Iran through Bahrain [ source ]
  • 2 new cases in Bahrain: 1 Bahraini citizen and 1 Saudi citizen. Both had traveled to Iran. [ source ]
  • 4 new cases in Qatar. [ source ]
  • 1 new case in India: an Italian national in the western Indian state of Rajasthan, a major tourist destination. [ source ]
  •  1st case in Tunisia: a 40-years-old Tunisian man who traveled from Italy. [ source ] [ source ] A week ago, Transport Minister Rene Trabelsi said they were considering whether to suspend some Italy flights, but nothing came of it. [ source[ source ]
  • 3 new cases in Lebanon [ source ]
  • 6 new cases in Austria. [ source ] [ source ] [ source ]
  • 4 new cases in the UK [ source ]
  •  1st case in Jordan: a Jordanian coming from Italy.
  • 36 new cases in Spain. Total now exceeds 100. [ source ]
  • 2 new cases and 4 new discharges in Singapore. [ source ]
  • 8 new cases in the Netherlands, almost all have traveled from northern Italy or are family contacts of a previous patient. [ source ] Cases include a 45-year-old woman in Helmond who returned from Lombardy, Italy. [ source ]
  • 1 new case in Russia (first in Moscow): a Russian citizen returning from Italy [ source ]
  •  First 2 cases in Portugal, both in Porto: [ source ]
    a 60 years-old man with "an epidemiological link to the north of Italy", where he was on vacation. His first symptoms appeared on Feb. 29, and he is now hospitalized in stable condition at the Santo António Hospital in Porto.

    - a 33-years-old man with "an epidemiological link to Spain" whose symptoms appeared on Feb. 26 and is now at the Hospital de São João, in Porto.

  • 6 new cases in Belgium: all had returned from northern Italy [ source ]
  • UK: "It is likely that we will see in due course wide spread transmission in the UK. What we don't know is exactly how wide spread that will be" Professor Paul Cosford from Public Health England told BBC [ video ]
  • 1 new case in Taiwan [ source ]
  • 18 new cases in Japan [ source ]
  •  523 new cases and 12 new deaths in Iran, Deputy Health Minister Alireza Raisi said in an announcement on state TV. [ source ]
  • 2 new cases in Iraq detected in Baghdad’s Rassafa district: they had recently visited Iran [ source ]
  • 6 new cases in Belgium: all had traveled to Italy. [ source ]
  • 27 new cases in Germany [ source ]
  • 2 new cases in Spain (Barcelona): a 40-year-old woman and a 37-year-old man who came in contact with a German infected person. Both are in mild condition. [ source ]
  •  1st case in Andorra: a 20-year-old man who had been to Milan, Italy and was admitted to the Nuestra Señora de Meritxell Hospital on Saturday. Symptoms are light, according to the Andorran government. He will remain in the hospital until 2 negative tests are obtained within 24-48 hours. [ source ]
  • 2 new cases in India: 1 in New Delhi (first case there) with travel history from Italy and 1 in Telangana with travel history from Dubai [ source ]
  • 1 new case in Croatia: believed to be connected to another case in Rijeka [ source ]
  • 10 new cases in Kuwait: all associated with travel to Iran and all in stable condition and recovering. [ source ]
  • 1 new death in Iran: a 71-year-old senior Iranian official, Seyyed Mohammad Mirmohammadi , who was a member of the sixth and seventh Iranian parliaments and was appointed in 2017 by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei as a member of the Expediency Discernment Council. [ source ]
  • 1 new case in Australia (first in Tasmania): a man who had recently returning from Iran. [ source ]
  • 1 new case in Thailand: a 22-year-old Thai woman who works with another Thai patient, a Thai driver for foreign tourists. [ source ]
  • 599 new cases and 5 deaths in South Korea. [ source ] [ source ] [ source ]
  • 202 new cases42 new deaths (all in Hubei) and 2,837 new discharges occurred in China on March 1, as reported by the National Health Commission (NHC) of China. [ source ]


1 VIDEO „Ridică-te-n picioare /

2 ALERTĂ Laura Vicol și Vladimir Ciorbă au fost reținuți de procurori / Ioana Băsescu, pusă sub acuzare pentru sprijinirea grupului infracțional organiza…

3 De citit...

4 „A început spectacolul /

5 Foarte interesante amănunte...